If you doing something very seriously  under highhandedly wrong and unlawful-

Why is it with any to lead unto still water  and greener pasture s  in an effort to   bring forward  behavioral patterns becoming you talk shared  and if walking any possibility into a  words  I rather refrain from using-

In an effort to stipulate when see sculpture like  isometric  and a sensor is a word        S E N S O R  why is it  a thing to ONLY IF WE CAN BE VERY DIFFICULT and you almighty a Judge    with and when we were a we at this  in so ok  IF I NEEDED AN OH DID I  let the forgot to even slap they wrist though   sentence   in so against my will too    and if incubating a worst case with PARASITE RICK STORIES   from a the get go---ok not ok- the worst criminals if I stipulated uncontested stay at table at court   if you killed and if you a need to get in the way as oppose to be part of the way?

This and if we agreed as often and a day late and a dollar short  unless you earned if I stipulated

Any who supplicate to this entry in an effort to subdue you in any oe incremental  too by the mosey on down the path of time travel with a credit card or two or an stipulation if any who think they   the   detestable treatment   of it calls itself ANTZEE DANCEE TOO  and Monster ape and very terribly so too  -..

 So if as I heard this right—

The “monies not an object”  in so between the  agreed upon   if self as others when either not enough contract or sumptuously an agreed came into the stipulation   goodness and if an hospitality offer  if  you breech  this …the outcome was worse in which any who thought an inkling in possibilities   and by acting out in the place of stipulating a why is it as though you need to be ordered and clobbered a bit  I after as many   stipulated 

  constructive criticism   or address advisement's  in like when you also co crimanee away too- like JEFF HALLOCK   I thought you have better things to oh no such thing an Antzee unless –an only if we the  every lying Judges in excuses to neither tell the truth   this and if a material fact at either Court  not Curt back from the Dead thanks to as despicable as many times not to wedge   all the massacres you did too wedge tough   and in an which way to maximize a wedge  too by the stipulated   massacres means-
 When resurrected people became the material facts  ..the stipulations being given   in  Court and owing me monies before you proceed  any further  -

Now whether it be STANLEY HASSAN  or every need to un sell the behavior assessment   and in saying Heaven Objective  the obvious  mad at Steve and allowing PARASITE f over to incubate mire f you everyone everything if you heard the oh so terrible the pre planners and the cone popping  gigantic PARASITE was RICKY Robert Arroyo  and you d think by now   -the replace “BETO “ the all in one  flight aperture security gone totally to say not an exaggeration  dunder defile detestable   and no looking back neither  and if I say stop that right there I asked a security replacement this and funding of the sort   is any excuse I never needed  in less than  to and fro documentation  communication-is all to do with –

Not the evil element; IF police chief rapist  you  engage if you are not a long should had preventative dis engagement  a burst of  modification  .. this is what an word of what-

If it was a sense of  so serene at first  in as what long and short of time allocated  if by either now or you by counter point to this stipulation pf either how much damage or aka Telecare Corp  why a photo technician if  when the worst return from the  take resurrected law upgrade and you toting a Sara wolf ides's still    not tp look at the worst Resurrection  in you there though got one to open it up better----had returned into   an saying to stipulate  y neither need or of deserve is though    safe Haven   safe haven only when a day is every day if thy way you treated the she   victims  of either   decision   corroborate   11 seconds or minutes most to deliberate  tabulated      reason why corroborating  again in 

happy to report stole millions of dollars of my royalties  and a facsimile account  Sharon Scott then  taught Ashley did us up too and the stipulated monies too by the way and by here and now regard for Continental Currency paid the rental like Sheriff Steve Howieson only if I not want you pandering more ER 911  murder did us all away  secret agreed upon behind my our stipulations  had better not threaten more dislodging when your word to write a receipt  and acquisition the Building all this  New managers and not thwart friend making like you doing  Antzee-nor embezzle and in appreciation for good work ethic like you shared and talked the no more reside here anymore  and only to bring a try  if and when do  more than I knew like YOU TOO ANTZEE JUST DID    either squatters are here as the 

Then why is not an apologies are in order.
THIS nice County Assessor in a stipulation and unless spilling detonations of hexafluorinal not enough and the Seal Beach  Naval Weapons Station looking back at me and laughing by the way    got guns to stipulate  either say this to my our face---or the  stipulation-in what kind of xxxis Antzee   if xxx xxx xcx  nuclear inundation and nuke refurbishment sponge  of every propriety had defaulted and  unless or if not for ANZEES IN TROUBLE TOO By the way  

need obscurity and no such  not Curt's mom  not back from the dead an other try-nor defaulted stipulating a gratitude return from -death to dis lodge dis locate  do neither stole my nor u s treasurers back and forth return  from stolen volley lies  of if i say or saw you did then---

so you nuke us up in many different to say it an irony is one thing-

SO BY  NO SIR  ANTZEE WILL HELP HUSH HUSH THE RECORD  and if what you are looking for out of life    in any to do what you been doing to gal folk by the way—and if Stanley Hassan and Ollie North got a thing to do with unprofessional      the take something for your murder rape devil style too   and of all the stipulated Girls in   L A the stipulation in never act out as if anything in life is decent thanks to you and Stanley Hassan and if San Francisco too has   every and any Judge or  I not like entertain evil acts  of  seditious  like ANTZEE IS DOING  -So a security replacement and my phone number 714 725 6570    text to start easy   please   is open and neither un sell nor  entice a monetary intercept like you are not a nice name like Antzee to in entertain a better than this evil big one   --crimes in progress—and by –

An pass the baton and  re situate the a  S is for  S E N SO R  the a reimbursement regard at where you are at pandering  a wedge in fact  the resurrected or knock knocka what WHO IS ANTZEE    wedging a you not a fallacy enough   you mayhem aggravating  and tagging over my one time trusted sculpture like  signs   rules conducts of unto self as others  as much as  not even have nuclear bombs or guns to this day though.

So if it appears as if you intercepting any friends  or possibilities  of could be helpful and beneficial and if you the NO SUCH THING AS IF ANTZEE EITHER BALKS an Oh DID I  or if not than we wont pay and by thinking Robert Handy or anyone anyway you not to talk to me ever again and take these with you—

 And if I said every Hell Antzee is not to mind –when you do devil dealing  though   and why is it YOU ANTZEE FIRST    clown and an Evil act not the same   here as the running fleeing investigation OC S D  OC DA 05:35PM PST  and if Deputies Gardner’s Name in the worst hollering message on any recorder doing up the planets is OK WITH FRANCIS In excuses to never understand word love except when howbeit you first ANTZEE trouble broker  and not to do that though  so any way you can  NO SIR And over tax Steves to look out of place  this is not the right way to treat people  if any as I stipulated not to even put the cart in front but  if I was the off the showroom floor or black and white checkered flagg  and if I needed a  prayer and hope where  xx x like what I think I see in the at one too many times should go altogether—

 And like I shared peoples got a right to like or lack or not run with who or a freedom to neither  fumm  an all the way up    I did say you do the work though    in pass the baton   --in so re situate the SENSOR    if directions at any either INSURERS not want a public safety either resource or ANTZEE Not my friend at all  and if make waves and enemies like RON and TAO SOUTH s in the act again too    and in so saying Telecare monster pandering the worst  not want understood detestable rape dna rape abduct scalpel and war crimes atrocities  in as though more the need   after fucking as many of my ex es  either love of my life s or a twinkle of any type  and as I distrusted  in knowing what an O C S D  and you too ANTZEE  to bring this as business in the place of exactly what I explain you obstructing the replace “BETO’ be sure I funded first  only to be  loathing in this  not she please    ---C  abut  prayer all the   I better not   recite at this stipulation –and in so by 3 strikes you out in upgrade resurrection  agreed upon’ in an understood act of high treason  and never to allow   you there not only      


This and if as I saw you did though  and in this saw you give an  XXX  XX  TOXXX   XXX  XX and in so ANTZEE DOING THIS With  entrap entice and deceiving wantonness  INSTEAD OF   XXX --- effort to Donald Trump back   even with more   then I never wanted back     BAMBI  Bicycle too keeping watch out as with  me   s see you is and blame it on another----  the  the arbitration   bring up Ron r Telecare this far along in the midst of you there arbitrating with they a NO WE ARNT LIE   no Consta and all the SUPER NOVIES every objected to any either pre  suggestive  ways or means to either bring about a sudden or objected that this   un intended  depending on Par-s assailants- nor of my choice who resides who rooms here who you think Ksthy Tiernying a try   in the act –in fact –

The monies returned.  This in terms of
U S mint freeze right here and there with that—

N terms of my understood extended writers users credit and neither for a purpose of funny to do us so terribly evil a LIE and evil intending outcome---sidedness-

This in all to do with this very reasoning too though the copyright owner is was Steven here not Ricky not anyone else  . Not met with police Westminster and Huntington Beach to plan and still think to do suchly with not a president not to insinuate a good anything if you had ever done away as many as he did  in an regress demaculartize  defile all the way too though  Par  athe stipulations being given in either debit credited today is neither  an if  flee is not unusual  to liar perjury outfits I see  Not to Susan Suknaich has an only if up Stevens  any old way since when since—oh murder rape all you can if ever a sign come or came to a rightful  either time or place to be  a bit decent and lawful minded.  

 I so pay back monies not only in every all the no I did not. ..  Ron Tao South said o be supervisor  n acting out aggression  to not only monies return  this and sex object rape statuary defilement torture so terrible if ANTZEE as I see was to act as though  he a time to know the difference between  complicity and before the fact involvement    abductions and dismemberment is in the act though too    I can kill us  then instead  Music ownership rightful  monies  you the known difference to stipulate when either a courtesy two way communication in any to send or receive   - the stipulation being given an safe transition and transaction .

 Antzee dance Image in an suggest to either   to me though this I want -in terms of royalties yes though-- nor you their   coincidentally sudden  all you about the like he the Judges in as before we were an annexation regard   in so implying military like outpost as an result of either commonly referred as TOPIC- the  observation post   saw the GW Bush Jr disgruntled with us in any way an idea unless she cant get him out and intransigent enough to  neither report what  damage a traitor if I ever saw one by the way in HOMES Jamboree as well will do it---in so if these who took the civilization of others for funny   --and in so saying should arise from what may appear as a nice hibernation  stipulation and  in so seeing a no way can I want this stipulated resource in of all the ready mealing for no certain cause got other ideas and spaceship dunder and going nowhere by the way—

This and if I know medical like clearance’s would rather fall and drop in an expiration pact  and in thinking any who by fall to part this obligation to nether have us fall done by ailments including heart thrombosis by the way ,  this pay back to the stipulations being given  and in saying energy dumping a very bad stipulation to they who absorb hot energy detonation’s for a need to forget all the  stipulations if where you come from and where if Stanley or Ollie got

 way    the stipulated way       if obligations to assume  utilized with miracle insight too --and the same they’re to

 Hell to these who not

Sharon Scott is killed me to many times’    and in no way a hospitality concern in as I did mann the station too though  this and in Faith full commitment of and carrying out an United States I D n5070568 U S Treasury OATHS  and in only as an competent deputized of rank should an absence or safety or  breach of the stipulated  civil  civil service commerce assimilate or otherwise   nominal  and file could otherwise   no way to cracked degrees of police and phony police applications   kindly  leave your  criminals and killers and lies  TELECARE  LYING DIAGNOSIS       also of not even a oneway 

   problems too by the way     got this to why is bread shelves too the poisoned items in either Ralphs got an idea if knowter Bros too  did tis  lackadaisical got ideas   this my will today and forever-
every hell equivalence you bequeathed  every presidential lying never was a pardon though   every worshiped beto devil every four door lock up forever oh am i an witness account of an "oh did i loose end ".

so why is it you act as though write a receipt for rent   and enough said was what you added right then-

does stipulated have anything to do with   an either or  the armed dangerous and a cat and mouse melodrama of  acting out as if the safe side or safe haven or possibilities of even   a safe word got worries like  if you stipulated  --what you just lame d---an open wide-not one iota of either two way documentation in writing first up-

you not to advise in any matter where no two sides are a news blackout and police black out and to say-

words not i have right now---

so why be a nice if deity's dont define impasse sumptuously table and partial a what evidence  why you let  forget to document there known involvement of your knowing you did antzee-

when after as many as i saw you confirm this entity who once was reasonable thought set-

abut when the simply put need for corporal remand   and neither quantum runaway detestable as i never brandish sculpture signs for you this lookie, why is it to deliberate more than a minute than-

 are you in love with whatever happens  look  free for all-

antzeee love "beto" th most nuking detestable of defilement's   you did a very bad oh did i -at recidivism quitter lazy-never forget to

only if not a slap on the wrist and  oh open wide never forget to murder devil style    the no such thing as material fact  -antzee f off
judge carter in knowing the difference between right and  made caught and if upstage the day of judgement from thence did  bring back the end times  fiery end   --in so seeing the double side to live their ives as murder magicians  any who where either understood to  rank higher than   three presidents and every mad at steven and antzee for saving me and refurbishing a first few times --.--the mad at us

the stipulation in unless  hey steve  yoo hoo we are over here pass please---

oh so antzee music too  google now if i heard antzee using oh did i forget to cover steve s b-  the way    and by knowing the music deal   --and by
either antzee and beto raise hell tactics   --never let a smolder burn unless  any which way a sara wolf and every smolder in wide ones got ideas too..

in so super disappear the very bad as it gets  yuo bringing or escorting  up close to raise hell though  instead   this and by threatening me-in an effort to give a non gentlemen like opinion to that of nice steven too by the way-

the ping pong lie game of treasury looted and monies earmarked divied stolen you like to talk it up so maybe i ll get dislodged by oh did antzee  miss something-this  who ever how ever -no contact is the way to appreciate murder and dis honestly threaten even more so  then why in the world could corporal remand ever be a meaning  -and energy dumping something wrong there too  -

and so when a nice like folk mr parish  subject come to either explain describe be reciprocal in polite-?

the stipulation being given if Antzee only sway s an pay the man the men.
oh not phone bridge phone bridge  -if this a meaning then Antzee loving the worst of worst evil doers  and oh what mean pull aside either a milky ways at a time a gonad defilement-  in dons back wonderful  and if Sara Wolf or who ever can be bad instead of good   is too all the f you too though sorry Mr. Parrish sir--

so you have no plan to put the one-way complaint of missing Super Novie in reverse--so sara' wolf now lets escalate this even more so--though---s going to help though-

so if you pay who ever however to not understand-d word love--and witchcraft a sodomic attack on Steven  and your record Steven--compared to you there Robert Handy’s  and i not to insinuate  the who is Antzee and what could Antzee ever have a thing to do with it---as many times as  an invitation to wherefore complain of missing Star Super Novies    and if Steven take care of Steven a Bible and one’s own inventory got handy looking to  entice nd deceive more whoever it took takes  etc -so by aggravating the cuss bomb mayhem again  again  again again why is it you allow handy to disagree and proceed in detestable pandering soliciting and rape monsteritizing against my will and the law Antzzee and every clown police chief also nearby ?

Is this I stipulated not Antzee  I see  incubating parasite tumor or tumult again  ? Did we see a common sense regard for  neither let a smolder burn   is not an adage to if consider life either as we the  not human like people thought if  I saw –either an Objection and complaints in defile so terrible  in as a


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