THANK YOU any to stipulate the LAW S of Nature  and Nature s God'  and any to give ear and  stumble nor tire in any  qualifying regard in so seeing  genocide atrocity the sodomic type rapist killers and why I object to every resident returning to do more evil when dis    qualifying you said LAW DEGREE then who ever how ever  could nuke us done for as many times as still doing  in the act to 10:59 AM PST August 16 2018 included  this invoiced and  documented effort I gave  244 7 365  26 years radio telepathic intrinsic  open forum or communication line with pass the baton re situate the a sensor clearly detailed  HELL and every living hing in Creation being ready done up without any warning or indication of bad behavior or in as never would I we had made these   even if STEVEN had not any kind of these defects in character you are that  and called yourself an authorized party aka  care coordinator  when really  in seeing and hearing  the :

" IF STEVE EVER FOUND OUT" security authority his to say   and in drawing the line-


 their lying stupefying as low as  murder solidarity of all the last straw s and 

 regressed  destroyed  despoiled sacked   mealed away by double side to live and scrimmage leading  "Beto" aka Rigoberto Jimenez who in saying super tap went bad  Sandra Hutches and Her then crew of saucer like only to see the  NO SIR laughing an frightening need Courts  stipulate resurrection policy in the here and now ...

714 472 0867 en-Schofer/uploads

It was suggested in any case where strange on goings have neither been 

The research has  -had seem to indicate in any to   suresurrection phase has is or may neither---  to share transitioned- so in seeing a possibility of invisible like people -although this may or may neither sound bizarre--  abut if I or Omnipotence Image and Creator were--- in its own regard for FAQ  How would one either receive and or neither  the stipulations of FAQ  that may require polite cordial and welcome attention- Sir.

One thing rings out ashen looking at Dons Family  like folk--  umm they look real nice as they come  caring and conservative as a mindful ote in any to share a return or arrive depart must be a leisure like fountain-- Ne must not bother disrupting any resting areas only to awake to an oh no  stipulation  in having seen so radical an  Hispanic infused mitochondria combo who  by  i not the tye that like

 So being from NY myself a bit in sharing and  upon going through pictures and speaking that of nice conservative polite family members of any a tester years , and if whether it be assimilation and some would some would some do some couldn't  the stipulation that if an SSA Account of some sort

Agreement to Assume Debt Form CDC01
THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE the 9th_ day of July___year _2018
Federal  United State’s ‘’ ‘ Government  Dissolved amid  stipulated turmoil.

Presidential and ressurected flee to safety screen where Steve  is was located

92655 Midway City  nuke Survivors  in an February 21 to 23 2017  stipulation of
It might have been,  (s)
Donald Trump hearing no sir throught the stipulation beimg given if Image I know December 10th 1989 in any to remain either captive and how now the choice of judgements legal actions which have ensued in a word and when the a world was young  er any who by believing glasnos james a the iii   and  the live together and live forever  in  how we could have made it miht get he about to break down and if cry;;   and even I…*
And so you done away your worlds Jackson Aisle propiety and every need to do us up is here  stated July 11 2018

The invisible double side of even you her they this stipulation in worthless in so seeing if a need to deliberate  an none other than oh that this  do a good job   Heaven  yes Heaven  be an angel  in both mind and attitude  unto self as others if no known common attribution  is never  the way the stipulation being given if I say if a boogieman or devil said to act out a poop chute rape abuse and sodomic Lucipherian like act, actions and U S Code violations   you not suppose to do that…
If the a devil said tin an effort to end evey living thing in creation   and in an effort to re arrange both you and the dna anatomy of never understand word love and  thou shall not covet,   the  saw you did perpendicular   and so an massacre also  as each and every brought they back and never even more could an even anonymous email or text-- every galfriend and  spouse you nephew ever knew  you not suppose to do as Sheriffs did  a lot like if the a Devil told you to jump off the roof and rape kill evyone on the way down   or ready meal them,  you not suppose to  lurch in ally and go for it 

The stipulation being given in monies owed and credit due  in as many as   rather continuee a life of if satelitte do everyone away in and far and in between spaces and dimensions  the one time thought a dud,   still and still if  I not feeling optimistic at even Antzee stiffed me in as manmy times brought back you these needing nuke us sides and whatever happens,    if the Image and yes  you a beast 6 if you cant get it together Steven s being dis lodged    in his our own extra world and dimension  we  make  made in fact    (lik extra world(s)… and neither go with hola s  or police  or kthys  or any dope mriltyn  idioms neither notr tonys  nor   the e u and us treasurers lying  as us mint is was stolen  by R. A   and in Habeas Corpus re write laws asstance needed  for every nuke arsenist and worst  th name or mention bring they straight back from spaceship capsule  oh to think any who  so see a picture  talks  the stipulation   crypt  detention too.   are and westminster hb police  and divied up  and to go against me us …emerged to save
Admiistrative Dissolution
Nu Refurbish
County of Orange California Superior Court
Behavioral Health Condition s of
Malicious Classification and Inter planetary
DoDI 5505.18, March 22, 2017 Change 1, Effective February 13, 2018
2.1. IG DOD. The IG DoD will develop policy and procedures for MCIO adult sexual assault investigations and provide oversight pursuant to DoDD 5106.01.
2.2. OSD AND DOD COMPONENT HEADS. The OSD and DoD Component heads ensure:
a. Compliance with this issuance and prescribe additional procedures as necessary to implement its policy.
b. All allegations of adult sexual assault are immediately reported to the appropriate MCIO. This includes allegations made by persons affiliated with the DoD, including active duty personnel and their dependents, DoD contractors, and DoD civilian employees.
c. Procedures exist that allow eligible victims of alleged a sexual assault to have, at their request, their allegation handled as a Restricted Report in accordance with DoDD 6495.01 and DoDIs 6400.01 and 6400.06. This reporting option must be explained to all eligible victims by a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), or Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) VA, Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate (DAVA), or FAP personnel.
d. Adequate resources are established to manage the CATCH Program.
e. The commander of the Service member who is a reported subject of investigation provides the MCIO, in writing, all disposition data, within 25 business days of disposition, to include:
(1) Any administrative, non-judicial punishment, or judicial action that occurs as a result of the investigation; or
(2) A declination of command action when no action is taken.
f. MCIOs participate as members in the monthly installation SAPR Case Management Group meeting in accordance with DoDI 6495.02 and the Family Advocacy Program Incident Determination Committee in accordance with Paragraph 2.b.(5) of enclosure 3 of Volume 3 of

This stipulation in writing  exicon enhances the clear articulation of thoughts, ideas and commands through a common operational language fundamental to the application of airpower. AFDD 1-02 is the Air Force supplement to Joint Publication 1-02, the Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. This living document presents Service-unique terminology, highlighting the Airmen‟s perspective, and will evolve as terms and definitions evolve.
Security Clearances
 air interdiction

 air interdiction

 Air Intelligence Agency

 alternate insertion/extraction

 air intelligence group

 air intercept missile

 base civil engineer

defensive counterair

 electronic intelligence

 evaluation reference date

 electronic warfare support

 electronic warfare

 electronic warfare operations

 electronic warfare coordination cell

 Global Engagement

 geosynchronous earth orbit

 Ground Based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance

 geospatial intelligence

 global information grid

 general military intelligence

 human performance, sustainment, and enhancement

 human intelligence

 indications and warning

 imagery intelligence

 International Telecommunications Satellite Organization

Regional Federal State Municipal Police
(Pre disqualifying and Supernal Aerodynamic
Re Missing Star Nebulae-s Creations)
Telecare Financial Director Insurers
(1) _Telecare Corp WITT Program Director Susan Hull_______
 of _County of Origins _(the ‘Assignees’);
(2) __The Collaborative Courts  Superior Courts _ of __California
Telecare Corp Tao Siouth and Wit Court Wit Programs-

The O C Sheriff  Cal  Departments ____(the ‘Debtor’); and
(3) ___The Inter Cosmic Entities and Counsel of Super Novies and
The Stipulation in Complaint that which  in so describing a chain reation of Luciferian like unity and the re transformation of dna  anatomies and in any to seat  not allowed  and  not in my back yard neither  in as we see the red lights  and warning signs of  any reasonable regard for self as others  and never to do away  in a Devil like manner,   the stipulation in either take something for it if the urges are too  stronge   and  don’t go out looking too upstage these our effort  by detonating as many  I dis honest  and wreckless disregard for  critical life support  of any who feel an obligation to uphold life  libertys  and  in so saying rules  in either or never Juiris prudence an safety in its own  in any to simplify an unto self as others  in this stipulation  being given in how are we to answer to the lies of every do you know the cops are the worst  in history  and nearby a stipulated state of  XXX Xx Xx vnX

The stipulation being given in sending and receiving  Party ‘s  roles rules and in upperhands  to take responsibility  and in so eye for an eye remand policy   this amending  pre and ongoing declaration   in both   Writ Habeas Resurrection rules and regulations which saw the dearly departed  who by being greeted by   WIT And County of Orange  California  with the guilt conscience of detention bring need  and the stipulation if  I too ever found out   the targetting of they  so terrible   and in an nuclear halocaust strorms that followed   the  County of Orange in rather die us all,  still in thinking  monies earmarked for this program as many times inter cepted re directed divied up stolen   outright   in an devil like ploy of give you monies and power to do away life   this is the stipulation  in so I saw you did  massacre here as we did lie SSI informants not   once were neither  Ambassador wise  in effect    or an wellness intended for the whole   regard for pander these space  Super Novie are being done wawat

___Steven Van Schofer ________   ET AL ___ of ___15432 Jackson St 304 ___ (the ‘Pro creator s).witness,  Omnipotent and Supernal  Communication liason  in so seeing if known to be murder magic double sided bought and sold either ready mealed appetite s and if big as any to stipulate linear and the sky and or far beyond any human eye can  or can neither see,   has reason to defrock these  and use midas corporal  and expeditious and  time d   either super warp disapperance sight- and in any who say 24 7 365 25 years every lying in on it  thinker   murder or murder and soul grab also to boot  not as bad a  crime  the stipulation being given in never treat more assumptuosly  an  already sinful as ever an quantum  word in every ledgers accountancys need   if I know a charman who can pull out a million or two  ufos or entice and deceive in any stipulation which way an quantum more so   the stipulation in enumerative assfixed on Rigoberto Jimenez  an ufo flight abuse and overflights by Manny Fajarda  the  lackadaisical  good to what ever is ok   in either policy or law degrees stipulation to lead by any twelve step sneed to attend  as many life sentences in stipulating an additional mandatory   pay back to the communitys  like Jeff Hallock the same  as I see Antzee too   the stipulation being given in  never prop an isometric and  when value never the stipulated sign of a Sisteen Chapel  in never did I care   and know why what just in so saying on the loose  the rules here are an Judeo Christian  unto self as others   in short  and

1800 772 1213Psalm 23 21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want;  (fear).
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
The Sunday at Home 1880 - Psalm 23.jpg

 In witness   of plain clothes  over paid and ugrace and elf help  either bad habits or devices   ocause to impulse shock therapy 
1. The stipulation in Perjury I see in the act on the invoiced 03:06 pm pst    11th of July 2018   ssi on the stipulation line---in ay who stalk a another try in acted out again an no such thing side and abduction caper try  mind matrix dna advantaged  abduction re attempting at an last lines of defense is need  monies in fact--- if I hire and shape influence me own extra staff   is what---

Not like the ,ind and matrix dine up step threats of parasite so terrilbe a Parasite poop chute did  any who think a deputy or dissintegration  de engagwd when we  the observation platforms in assended on a  thought to be  if here and now is a circle in clear and present dangers  in so seeing  one false move and if s 4 supper and detestable insemination through and through is too a matter; and let no Entity re tract  an stipulation in enough  cruel and indecent ideas of either charge nurse on the loose nor an two detestable abomination and re arrangement of anatomy    in a stipulated  where good to end our world  s  and if neither a news black out  fast one aint something wrong either nor are police record of how Manny Fajarda the good guy in the stead of  here we stand stood’ in a money luandering is it  is he serious  is not even enough if  what I see  in my a visualize area in an aftermath and is deluge of nuke warfare funny if by avoiding names an faces the stipulation being given  If someone or some police captains  monster  like these  a  phony police  like Gil Coerper   in devil dealing capers also   the stipulation beingb given if never enter a contract with a devil- is so stated..  an live and let live   talk of if life set   in any who come to threaten lives like I see  ;    the stipulation being given in uphold life and Bill of Right a Constitutuional obligation  in otr if a wrongful to see the a damage list and in damage or damage done an monetary fund in so saying  if either you there not come home anymore neither  any reasonable  work mans retro pay scale in the face of   lying tennants on the take took moneys as I typed thisl…

In a Lucipherian Antzee to tell me the bad news too though   if I warned not to witness and good for you care   this  is that…suppose  …..comptrollers wuld rather continue dying they and us  present on demand or if magic money in continental currencys wallets to see you did authoruze to pay the  enemies  unstead of me as I we waited on th ssi line---in an effort to bid or ask for residual er monies- but as I saw  you turned….

an day or stipulation in if 2.000 or 3.000 an month and an worthyness in an 2.00.00 or 3.000.00 at all times  in a stipulation of pass the a baton and re situate a sensor  regard is anything to do with   violate  the stipulation being given in  malicious and wilful  assault and sodom8c torture killings the thought of an Image in so saying once was and if I saw I heard shall always be  in let no forgetfull need to wash ones hands   and seal nither    the  stipulate  an worth and worthiness least case  ___ (the ‘Debt’) and that the Customer is currently in the possession of certain assets or goods which are the property of the Creditor (the ‘Goods’).
2. In consideration of the Creditor transferring ownership of the Goods to the Customer, the Debtor unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to assume and pay the Debt, as a principal debtor.
3. The Debt shall be due and payable on the following terms1  lawyer service and get out of my atmosphers leave now you nuked yours   and kept mutrdering in an express need to rape and dis regard the work in a mayhem aggavatting n word need  
4. Everything in this agreement shall constitute a release or discharge of the obligations of the n word map  who by turning into a magog  k words  to ensue  the want eye for an eye negligble even out of Antzee  the payment of the Debt, lives you owe and took shall promptly pay the Debt in at least  $100 a day   each   if present the trouble maker is Antzee-- in the manner above described, the Creditor shall forebear in commencing any action against the Customer. In the event of any default, the Creditor shall have full rights, jointly and severally, against both the Customer and/or the Debtor for any balance then owing.
5. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns.
IN WITNESS OF WHICH the parties have signed this agreement the day and year first above written
_Steven V. Schofer  Steven  V. Schofer  
_________________July 11 2018 
Signed by or on behalf of the Creditor
Signed by or on behalf of the Debtor
in the presence of (witness)
in the presence of (witness)
Name _________________
Name _________________
Address _________________
Address _________________
Occupation _________________
Occupation _________________

Signed by or on behalf of the Customer

in the presence of (witness)

Name _________________

Address _________________



Originating Component: Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense
Effective: March 22, 2017
Change 1 Effective: February 13, 2018
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the DoD Issuances Website at
Cleared for public release. Available on the DoD Issuances Website at
Reissues and Cancels: DoD Instruction 5505.18, “Investigation of Adult Sexual Assault in the Department of Defense,” January 25, 2013, as amended
Approved by: Glenn A. Fine, Acting Inspector General of the Department of Defense
Change 1 Approved by: Glenn A. Fine, Performing the Duties of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense
Purpose: This issuance, in accordance with DoD Directive (DoDD) 5106.01:
• Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for the investigation of adult sexual assault within the DoD, in accordance with the authority in the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, of Title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.), Appendix.
• Establishes the processes and procedures for the use, maintenance, and protection of certain information from a Restricted Report of adult sexual assault obtained by the military criminal investigative organizations (MCIOs) after the victim has elected to provide such information, but without affecting the restricted nature of the report, in accordance with Section 543 of Public Law 113-291.
• Establishes an exception to the initiation of an adult sexual assault investigation by an MCIO when information is received in accordance with Section 543 of Public Law 113-291.

Incorporates a threshold of credible information, as defined in DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5505.07, for the initiation of an adult sexual assault investigation and a DoD nexus, as defined in DoDI 5505.03.


he anatomy of




"If the creator wants to bring back a dead character, then that character will come back."

It doesn't matter how Deader Than Dead or Killed Off for Real that character is, they'll find a way to return. Much handwaving may be required to explain it (if they don't leave it unexplained), but anything is possible with a bit of Foreshadowing thrown in.

Also known as "Comic book death" because comic books are especially known for taking place in long-spanning continuities where Death Is Cheap, important characters almost never come back wrongApplied Phlebotinum is everywhere and iconic villains always come back from whatever fate that no carbon-based lifeform could have survived. In addition, the turnover of writers means that even if one writer says, "No really, they're dead this time," with no intention of bringing them back, odds are some future writer will disagree and bring them back a few years down the road.

The First Law Of Resurrection almost always trumps the Sorting Algorithm of Deadness, with only a few exceptions (like Death by Origin Story). May lead to Opening a Can of Clones. See also Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggeratedand Disney Death

Deader Than Dead

"We've got to verify it legally to see if she is morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably, and reliably dead."

What is are  The MunchkinsThe Wizard of Oz?


Death is permanent, as we all knowBecause people die when they are killed. In Real Life. In fictional works, however, this need not necessarily apply. In fiction, people regularly do come Back from the Dead. This is fine if they're on the side of the heroes, but once a villain has pulled this a couple of times it gets really old. The solution? Death is not enough, time to kill them Deader Than Dead. The actual implementation of a Deader Than Dead varies: Sometimes it requires killing more than one component of the target (often its soul and its body at the same time). Sometimes it requires following the dead to the afterlife and killing them there. Sometimes it involves tons and tons of Maximum Overkill that reduces the villain to a fine paste. Sometimes it involves having to kill them in 

a special way, or with a particular weapon. Sometimes it involves a sworn affidavit declaring they will never return. And sometimes some alternative to death (sometimes a "Fate Worse than Death") has to be found. For demons and the like, the latter often means "sealing" them somewhere, though more often than not, this is just a surefire way to end up with Sealed Evil in a CanYour Soul Is Mine is an uncommon way of ensuring total death as well—pulling someone's literal life force out of their body and eating or smashing it is a good way to ensure that they're never coming back. On the other hand, if it's a story where resurrection requires a (mostly) intact body, it's simply a matter of making sure the body isn't intact.

Characters who come back from the dead while staying dead (i.e., the Undead) are a special case, but of course, being "dead" also has a very special meaning in this case.

If you have to rely on this trope often, it tells you that you have cheapened the meaning of "death" to the point of uselessness. Relying on it after you have already pulled it for the same character tells you that maybe you're lacking in imagination to come up with good characters.

Or it might be that the character is too popular or iconic (to the fans or the writer) to stay permanently dead. So, it's not really that surprising when they pull something out of left field and let someone use Time Travel to...

Ow! Ouch! Stop kicking me!

Common for important bosses in video games (see Non-Lethal K.O.), but not rare outside them either. Compare with Final Death and Rasputinian Death. Common ingredient in a Death by Origin Story. Often related to Cessation of Existence. This may be the function of an Immortal Breaker - it causes any being to completely obviated from existence (especially important if the immortal in question has Resurrective Immortality).

Older Than They Think — a Fairy Tale may outline the villain's death in graphic detail to ensure that, unlike the hero, they cannot come Back from the Dead. (Often, the Family-Unfriendly Death is proposed by the villain as a suitable punishment for his crimes, as a general principle.)

Despite the similar sounding name, not related to Harder Than Hard, although the attempt to kill someone Deader Than Dead is by no means easy. Related to Killed Off for Real, which results when the audience would have expected the Deader Than Dead character to come back.

Do not confuse with Deader Than Disco.

Looks like Samus Is a Girl.

"...when it is prophesied that no man can defeat me, I will keep in mind the increasing number of non-traditional gender roles."

— Evil Overlord List #153

A character receives a prophecy or curse of the form "X cannot happen until Y," where Y is seemingly impossible. X is frequently (but not always) the character's death or defeat.

Of course, Y ends up happening somehow, usually through some trick of wording or a loophole, with X promptly following.

Over-reliance on this phrase by the baddie usually leads to a delicious Oh, Crap! moment. It often involves a Eureka Moment, followed by the newly minted Magnificent Bastard drawing his sword and Cutting the KnotMacbeth met his end at the hands of a man "born" via C-section, for example. When the clause includes an exhaustive list — neither by night nor by day, or neither by man nor by beast — a Liminal Being such as a werewolf or a Liminal Time such as twilight may slip through because being half of each, it's neither fully.

As can clearly be seen from the Mythology section, this trope is definitely Older Than Dirt.

A subtrope of Prophecy Twist and Double Meaning; compare Prophetic Fallacy. Can be a form of False Reassurance. For some other instances of impossible conditions being met, see Impossible Task and Engagement Challenge. For when condition Y isn't really fulfilled but a half-assed excuse is used to justify X happening anyway, see Metaphorically True. Its more comic Sister Trope is Cue the Flying Pig

Back from the Dead

·         A major character, possibly even a popularly nasty Big Bad, has been killed, pronounced dead and buried. However, the established laws of the universe allow for Functional Magic, a Sufficiently Advanced AlienApplied PhlebotinumDeus ex Machina or similar agency to intervene and subvert what naturally follows dying. Namely, staying dead. (In some cases, an explanation isn't even bothered with.)

Maybe the writers were running short of new ideas and decided to recycle some old characters. Maybe the actor has recently acquired some indecent photographs of the producers. Maybe the new writer was devastated his predecessor killed the character. Who knows? He is now Back From The Dead!

The form of afterlife can vary pretty widely. They may "simply" be resurrected or reincarnated (usually as a sentient pet animal), physical or mental alterations (good or bad) optional; or we may now have a ghost, or vampire... zombie, angel, godling, demon... haunted car... okay, that last one will be hard to top (except with a Love-matic Grandpa!). Bringing someone back from the dead by supernatural means is generally treated as being a negative thing because of how unnatural it is.

If a character cannot come back from the dead entirely, they may show up as a Spirit Advisor or Mentor Archetype, letting them be literally dead, but allowing them to interact with the living.

In the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Mortal Coil", Neelix actually dies for real but is (some would argue unfortunately) brought back to life some 18 hours later. This is an example of Contractual Immortality. In order to qualify for being brought Back From The Dead, a character in a TV show would have to be still dead at the end of one episode and resurrected, by whatever means, in a later episode (2-parters don't count).

This is exceedingly common in American superhero comic books, to the point that whenever a popular character dies, it's a given that they'll be back on within no more than five years. At one time, it was said that "Nobody ever stays dead in comics, except BuckyUncle Ben, and Jason Todd." Naturally, since that phrase was coined, Bucky and Jason Todd have both been recalled to life.

See Death Is Cheap for when this becomes a regular feature of a 'verse, Sorting Algorithm of Deadness for the odds a particular death will stick, and the accompanying betting pool for which modern Lazarus is due back next. See also Resurrective Immortality for where this is an everyday part of a character's life.

A general rule of thumb is that if you Never Found the Body, the character is Not Quite Dead in the first place (and therefore not a candidate for this trope). One of the most common examples of this is that if a character falls off of a cliff or other high structure, especially into water, he or she is almost guaranteed to still be alive; see Disney Death. An explosion gives more reasonable odds. Of course, even if you've see the body and you've atomized it so finely that each individual molecule is a galaxy apart... there's always Time Travel. Removing the entire thing from existence can be done, and equally undone by a similar Deus ex Machina.

Faking the Dead has its own trope. See also First Episode Resurrection when this happens at the start of the series.

The character's resurrection from the dead could result in a situation of Unwanted Revival.

 Man of Woman Born

"...when it is prophesied that no man can defeat me, I will keep in mind the increasing number of non-traditional gender roles."

— Evil Overlord List #153

A character receives a prophecy or curse of the form "X cannot happen until Y," where Y is seemingly impossible. X is frequently (but not always) the character's death or defeat.

Of course, Y ends up happening somehow, usually through some trick of wording or a loophole, with X promptly following.

Over-reliance on this phrase by the baddie usually leads to a delicious Oh, Crap! moment. It often involves a Eureka Moment, followed by the newly minted Magnificent Bastard drawing his sword and Cutting the KnotMacbeth met his end at the hands of a man "born" via C-section, for example. When the clause includes an exhaustive list — neither by night nor by day, or neither by man nor by beast — a Liminal Being such as a werewolf or a Liminal Time such as twilight may slip through because being half of each, it's neither fully.

As can clearly be seen from the Mythology section, this trope is definitely Older Than Dirt.

A subtrope of Prophecy Twist and Double Meaning; compare Prophetic Fallacy. Can be a form of False Reassurance. For some other instances of impossible conditions being met, see Impossible Task and Engagement Challenge. For when condition Y isn't really fulfilled but a half-assed excuse is used to justify X happening anyway, see Metaphorically True. Its more comic Sister Trope is Cue the Flying Pigs.

Since this trope is frequently used as a surprise twist, major spoilers abound below!


Weapon of X-Slaying

An extra +10 against anything that starts with the letter J. Don't ask why. Don't ask what Vorpal means, either.

— Vorpal SwordMunchkin

A weapon which gets extra bonuses against a specific enemy type. Sometimes they may outright kill them in one hit.

Ways this can happen:

It is a subtrope of Situational Sword, and a form of Situational Damage Attack. Related is Achilles' Heel, which this weapon can be.

Unique-named weapons with this kind of property often come with Exactly What It Says on the Tin naming.

Compare Hunter of Monsters, who is a person dedicated to slaying a specific enemy type.

The brainchild of independent cartoonist Matt Groening (author of Life in Hell), The Simpsons first aired from 1987 to 1989 as a series of animated shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show. Unofficially known as "Season 0," the original 48 ad-bumpers kicked off what is now well established as one of television's all-time classic series (which premiered on the then-fledgling FOX network in December 1989). It is currently in its twenty-eighthseason, making it the longest-running prime-time sitcom in American TV history (worldwide, that honor belongs to Last of the Summer Wine, although the latter has fewer episodes, with 297 while The Simpsons has made 600 episodes so far). It has also been renewed for two more seasons, which will take it up to 669 episodes in total, which will make it surpass Gunsmoke as the the longest running scripted television program by episode count ever.

Depicting the animated adventures of the upper-lower-middle class Simpson family, the show started as a parody of Dom Com conventions, but quickly incorporated elements of social satire, pop culture references, and a mix of highbrow and lowbrow humor that has kept it popular year after year.

When it was first adapted into television, it set a new trend in animation - much of the voice acting had been rather industrial, with voice actors simply reciting a list of their character's linesnote , in whatever emotion the script called for. The Simpsons, however, recorded its lines like a live-action movie, the voice actors for a given scene recording together, allowing for more organic interaction between the characters.

One reason for the show's longevity is the massive cast of over 100 recurring characters it has built up over time, allowing the writers to work with a rich variety of relationships and milieus. Another thing that has established The Simpsons as being unique is an absolute refusal to acknowledge the passing of time. Bart has remained 10 years old and in general the show employs an active Negative Continuity, sometimes even acknowledged in the show.

For roughly the first 10 seasons, The Simpsons was widely considered to be one of the most consistently funny TV shows ever produced. However, it is generally considered that at some point after (or near the end of) that, the series declined in quality. Exactly when it declined, and by how much, is difficult to find a consensus on, but viewership has decreased over the years. Its numbers remain strong though, and the merchandising juggernaut shows no signs of stopping. Fox at one point considered setting up a separate Simpsons/spin-off networkDescription:; though that didn't happen, Simpsons re-runs became a cornerstone of the comedy-oriented FXX cable network when that was spun off from the FX network. Though, despite claims that it's not as good as it once was, there's something to be said about a show that debuted (as a series of shorts) whenRonald Reagan was U.S. President, debuted in prime-time and referenced by name when George H.W. Bush was in office, had its best years when Bill Clinton was in office, was more-or-less still going strong during the George W. Bushadministration, saw Barack Obama get elected twice and was around to repeatedlyDescription: mockDescription: the incumbent presidentthroughout his entire campaign and ongoing tenure.

A feature film (creatively titled The Simpsons Movie) was released in summer 2007. Perhaps not surprisingly, reactions from fans were mixed, with some fans claiming it to be on the level of the Golden Age episodes, and some considering it just an extra long Tarnished Age episode. Nevertheless, the film was a huge financial success and received a positive response from critics, earning a 89% Fresh Rating on Rotten Tomatoes and getting a 80 on Metacritic.

Many of the people behind the show are also responsible for Futurama (and while Futurama certainly takes some comedic cues from this show, it is a far cry from a Simpsons clone).

Matt Groening has said he created the core family members in The Tracey Ullman Show's production office waiting room after realizing he didn't want to sign the rights to his Life in Hell characters over to Rupert Murdoch.

In 2009, the show began its 21st season, officially dethroning Gunsmoke as the longest running primetime American television series of all time, before surpassing Gunsmoke's episode total in 2018 (although Sesame Street, among other daytime programs, still retains an even longer run with 40 seasons).

Check out this character sheet for more info on Fox's "first family" of animation. Also has a work-in-progress recap page here.

See the Franchise page for all related works.


Fate Worse than Death

"A fate WORSE than a fate worse than death? That's pretty bad."

— Edmund BlackadderBlackadder Goes Forth

Think death is the cruelest fate? Think again. There are several things much worse: torturetaxesand tofu, to name but a few. And more often than not, some unfortunate soul will experience it. Originally, this phrase meant rapebut now there'seven worse than that.

This phrase is usually used in a Just Between You and Me moment by the Evil Overlord as they boast about the agony-inducing Death Trap that awaits the hero for delaying their plans. It's also fairly commonly used as a warning to the hero against seeking forbidden power or knowledge, and consequently to foreshadow the particular Karmic Death the villain will suffer because of meddling with the universe's Cosmic Keystone.

If the victim is immortal, this fate may even replace death, which might suck royally.

Mercy Killings are common when heroes find anyone in this state. If the character can beg for help, I Cannot Self-Terminateoccurs; if they can act on their own, they are often Driven to Suicide. Indeed, since all involve choosing death over a given fate, the characters often conclude that that fate is worse than death. Contrast Cruel and Unusual Death, for when the victim instead gets a gruesome death that sucks beyond telling.

See also: Cruel MercyEmpty ShellTo the PainThe PunishmentRoom 101And I Must Scream, and occasionally Cool and Unusual PunishmentTailor Made Prisons may be this by nature or design in order to torture its prisoner. Not to be confused with A Fête Worse Than Death, though the two can occasionally overlap.

Sealed Evil in a Can

"Old folk saying: 'You can catch the devil, but you can't hold him long.'"

Long ago, An Ancient People faced a terrible evil. Using various methods, they bound the evil into a prison from which they thought it could never escape.

It did.

Sealed Evil In A Can, as the title suggests, is a way to introduce a villain suddenly, especially one that is legendary and powerful. It also explains why the villain hasn't done anything up to that point: it just now escaped.

A sealed evil is often introduced as a Greater-Scope Villain: the direct Big Bad's plan will be to unseal the can of some ancient God of Evil, hoping they'll get some of that great power as a reward. Of course, Evil Is Not a Toy: if they succeed, it usually turns out that the Sealed Evil does not care for them (or may have even been manipulating them into freeing them) and disposes of them, making the Sealed Evil the true Final Boss. Sealed Evil almost never rewards those who release it. It may even act like the malevolent flavor of a Jackass Genie, twisting their releasers' wishes back on them. (Of course, occasionally the Big Bad actually succeeds in controlling the sealed evil.)

The hero occasionally breaks the seal himself due to lack of information or active manipulation by the villain.

Or perhaps it was awoken by unsuspecting miners or archaeologists who Dug Too Deep and found something better left buried and undisturbed — often ignoring every single warning they found before releasing it.

Oddly enough, no matter what the cause of the seal being broken, it seems to always happen 1,000 years after the evil was first sealed. Yet nobody ever seems to know that the evil is about to reemerge in that time frame.

The primary question is usually "Why did they just seal it, as opposed to KILL it?" Well, the answer tends to vary; but usually it's a variant of The Punishment (for both the sealed and everyone else), Thou Shalt Not Kill (heroes can take pity and/or show mercy towards the oddest things), and/or As Long as There is Evil. Maybe it couldn't be killed for good (or more commonly, the conditions weren't right to deal the final blow), so sealing it was the next best thing. Another common excuse is the Balance Between Good and Evil; if they'd killed the ancient evil, then a bigger, badder evil would've taken its place, thus sealing it away neutralizes the threat but also keeps it in the world and maintains the balance. For some reason, only on a very few occasions was the evil sealed simply because the good guys didn't have the power at the time to kill it outright. Or maybe it was killed and the method of breaking the seal was resurrecting it.

Expect the mere release of the SEIAC to cause a World-Wrecking WaveWalking Wasteland, and sundry other disasters. That said, being cooped up for centuries is likely to have weakened the SEIAC, meaning it needs some time to recover its lost strength. This could mean that the hero(es) has a chance to seal it back up, or even destroy it once and for all.

Since this trope can be traced back to Greek mythology, it's Older Than Feudalism. Note that, minus your standard speculative fiction elements, it's functionally identical to a plot where a horrible criminal escapes from or is released from prison. Not to be confused with Exactly What It Says on the Tin — although your Evil-in-a-Can may be clearly labeled as such. But no one will ever read or believe the label.

This is an extremely common plot and backstory in video games, especially Role-Playing Games, because it's such a simple backstory: the Big Bad, put away by some ancient hero, has escaped. You (the player) must put them back in. Or, as mentioned above, the current Big Bad wishes to release the Greater-Scope Villain to use it’s power, and the hero must stop them.

Related Tropes

o    Sealed Evil In A Teddybear: The person-shaped can is The Team Pet.

Deader Than Dead

·         Main 
·         Laconic 
·         Quotes 
·         Create New 

"We've got to verify it legally to see if she is morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably, and reliably dead."

— The MunchkinsThe Wizard of Oz

Death is permanent, as we all knowBecause people die when they are killed. In Real Life. In fictional works, however, this need not necessarily apply. In fiction, people regularly do come Back from the Dead. This is fine if they're on the side of the heroes, but once a villain has pulled this a couple of times it gets really old. The solution? Death is not enough, time to kill them Deader Than Dead. The actual implementation of a Deader Than Dead varies: Sometimes it requires killing more than one component of the target (often its soul and its body at the same time). Sometimes it requires following the dead to the afterlife and killing them there. Sometimes it involves tons and tons of Maximum Overkill that reduces the villain to a fine paste. Sometimes it involves having to kill them in a special way, or with a particular weapon. Sometimes it involves a sworn affidavit declaring they will never return. And sometimes some alternative to death (sometimes a "Fate Worse than Death") has to be found. For demons and the like, the latter often means "sealing" them somewhere, though more often than not, this is just a surefire way to end up with Sealed Evil in a CanYour Soul Is Mine is an uncommon way of ensuring total death as well—pulling someone's literal life force out of their body and eating or smashing it is a good way to ensure that they're never coming back. On the other hand, if it's a story where resurrection requires a (mostly) intact body, it's simply a matter of making sure the body isn't intact.

Characters who come back from the dead while staying dead (i.e., the Undead) are a special case, but of course, being "dead" also has a very special meaning in this case.

If you have to rely on this trope often, it tells you that you have cheapened the meaning of "death" to the point of uselessness. Relying on it after you have already pulled it for the same character tells you that maybe you're lacking in imagination to come up with good characters.

Or it might be that the character is too popular or iconic (to the fans or the writer) to stay permanently dead. So, it's not really that surprising when they pull something out of left field and let someone use Time Travel to...

Ow! Ouch! Stop kicking me!

Common for important bosses in video games (see Non-Lethal K.O.), but not rare outside them either. Compare with Final Death and Rasputinian Death. Common ingredient in a Death by Origin Story. Often related to Cessation of Existence. This may be the function of an Immortal Breaker - it causes any being to completely obviated from existence (especially important if the immortal in question has Resurrective Immortality).

Older Than They Think — a Fairy Tale may outline the villain's death in graphic detail to ensure that, unlike the hero, they cannot come Back from the Dead. (Often, the Family-Unfriendly Death is proposed by the villain as a suitable punishment for his crimes, as a general principle.)

Despite the similar sounding name, not related to Harder Than Hard, although the attempt to kill someone Deader Than Dead is by no means easy. Related to Killed Off for Real, which results when the audience would have expected the Deader Than Dead character to come back.

Do not confuse with Deader Than Disco.

  • Random Trope

Sorting Algorithm of Deadness

On a scale of one to four, how dead is this guy?

It's a sad state of affairs when a beloved character dies; some fans won't even accept it as real, a predicament made all the more confusing because characters rarely stay dead. Because of this, fans love to speculate (morbidly) on the odds of a character coming Back from the Dead. The result is a kind of "Sorting Algorithm Of Deadness", where the circumstances, cause, genre, and reaction caused by a death are tallied up to see just how dead a character really is and the chances of their return.

To use the Algorithm, take each column's "Death Value", multiply it by the number of ticks in that column, add it all up and divide by the number of applicable rows.

Relative deadness factor
Death Value
No One Could Survive That!, just plain killed in battle
Body Found?
At The Morgue, death witnessed and confirmed onscreen
Last Words
10+ years ago, Series Finale
5-10 years ago
Same year
Died once, but got better

To see calculations-of-permanence-of-death in action, see the Wild Mass Guess Sorting Algorithm of Deadness, where this table has been copied for clarity's sake. Also remember that the author may choose to subvert this trope and bring back a character no matter how 'dead' he should be, sometimes horrifically as an Undead or Reforged into a Minion. Of course, sometimes a low score on the algorithm is no guarantee that the character hasn't been Killed Off for Real.

See the Sorting Algorithm of Mortality to determine whether a character is likely to die in the first place.

Applied Phlebotinum

·         Main 
·         Laconic 
·         Quotes 
·         Es 
·         Fr 
·         PlayingWith 
·         Create New 


Why, this explains everything!

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a completely ad-hoc plot device"

— David Langford"A Gadget Too Far,"Description: as a corollary to Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law

Phlebotinumnote  is the versatile substance that may be rubbed on anything to cause an effect needed by a plot. Examples include but are not limited to: nanotechnology, magic crystal emanations, pixie dust, and Green Rocks.

In essence, it is plot fuel. Without it, the story would grind to an abrupt halt. It's the science that powers the FTL drive on the starship so the characters can get somewhere, it's the magic that hatches the Egg MacGuffin so the protagonist can save an endangered species, it's the strange things unknown to science or magic that do basically anything except those limits and dangers required by the plot. The reader does not know how Phlebotinum would work and the creators hope nobody cares.

According to Joss Whedon, during the DVD commentary for the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the term "phlebotinum" originates from Buffy writer (and Angel co-creator) David Greenwalt's sudden outburst: "Don't touch the phlebotinum!" apropos of nothing.Fun Fact 

If the phlebotinum in question is simply a physical substance with unusual/extreme properties you are almost certainly dealing with the element Unobtainium.

A.K.A. Handwavium. Compare Author PowersHand WaveMacGuffinDeus ex Machina, and A Wizard Did It. Contrast Misapplied Phlebotinum. Not to be confused with PhlebotomyDescription:

Almost universally uttered after a character (usually a hero but sometimes a villain) takes a wild leap into the unknown as a way to escape pursuit and otherwise-inevitable capture — jumping off a high cliff or across a wide chasm, for instance. The pursuers then give up the chase, confident that their quarry has effectively committed suicide, and never go look for the body to make sure.

Of course, the moment someone says thisthey've guaranteed that the person in question not only has survived, but will be coming back to spoil someone's day.

If it happens towards the end of a story, expect a Finger-Twitching Revival... after they've been buried under a ton of bricks.

If the villain's hand reaches up and grabs your ankle from below the ton of bricks / edge of the cliff, that's... a trope of its own.

A frequent variation is "Nothing human could have survived that," which usually heralds or underscores the discovery that the "victim" is either non- or super-human.

Also may be a result of The Worf Barrage or an attempt at Try and Follow.

(This also frequently occurs with explosions and collapsing structures. When it's the hero caught in the explosion, it's possible that no one DID survive that if they weren't stalled by a Disney Death.)

Along with Nothing Can Stop Us Now! and What Could Possibly Go Wrong?, this is one of the things a Genre Savvycharacter should never ever ever say. In fact, they should Dope Slap anyone who does....

If the trope is overused with one character, it's a case of Why Won't You Die?.

Not to be confused with Playing PossumHe's Just Hiding!, and No One Should Survive That. Share 

Opening a Can of Clones

·         Main 
·         Laconic 
·         Create New 

"There's always a moment in an action star's career where they start doing movies starring more than one of themselves. I feel like it happens to everybody. It's like, 'What do we do, how do we keep this guy fresh? MORE of him!'"

In Speculative FictionShape Shiftersrobot duplicates and clones are exciting and can add a layer of ambiguity and suspense to a story. It will fill characters and viewers with paranoia and make for great shocking revelations. However, they can also completely derail said story and kill all drama when fans get lost in the forest of Epileptic Trees. The problem stems from the possibility that if clones, shape shifters, time travelers or body-hopping aliens can make and unmake plot points at whim, how can viewers be sure that a given story element is canon?

The reasoning here is similar to how a setting where Death Is Cheap takes away dramatic punch from future character deaths. By allowing for the existence of these duplicates the author basically has a huge Reset Button with giant neon lettering spelling out "Wanna bet this dramatic revelation, death or plot twist is here to stay?" These fears can be confirmed if an author starts Ret Conning events or casually undoing changes using these tropes.

The ur-trope of the Nineties, not just a popular gimmick in mainstream films (see Alien: Resurrection and The 6th Day), but in comic books (The Death of Superman), television (The X-Files) and video games (Metal Gear Solid) as well. Because clones and their usage were so obligatory (and over-saturated) for over a decade, they are regarded as something of a cop-out by the mainstream public. It's not that clones in themselves are bad, but stories involving them are so formulaic that any suspense grinds to a halt: there's never just one clone but several, and a story with clones can never fully dispel rumors that the lead survivor is, in fact, a clone.

A few things that may cause this reaction:

A few ways to avoid this reaction:

Second Law of Metafictional Thermodynamics

·         Main 
·         Laconic 
·         Create New 

The entropy of a fictional system whose writer is not in emotional equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at the writer's emotional equilibrium.

There's no other way to say it: writers like killing and destroying. Nothing makes them happier than having people die or Stuff Blowing Up. (In their writing, not in their real-world behavior. We're sure about this. MostlyDescription: It's the quickest way to get drama, too.

Unfortunately, writers cannot destroy all their fictional creations without ruining the story. Some of those creations have Contractual Immortality. Even when they don't, killing characters off or nuking cities can change the flow of a story in rather unfortunate ways. And destroying everything means there's no more story, and thus no more paychecks for the writer.

As a result, when there is anything expendable, writers will expend it. If the writer can bring people back to life by pushing the Reset Button, then people will die as long as the button is there. If a city has been evacuated, that city will go down in flames. Atomic flames, preferably. If it hasn't been evacuated, the writers can blow it up anyway if no named characters are there. It's not like readers will be upset, right? After all, A Million Is a Statistic. And a character in a Prequel that wasn’t in the original work? Don’t get too attached to them.

The less often the writers get to do this, the more pyrotechnics they pack in. When everything is expendable (like in a show with Negative Continuity), the writers will increase their system's entropy at a leisurely pace. One death an episode or so will do. If almost everything has Contractual Immortality, then killable characters and inflammable places are rare treats, and the writers will spring on them like the proverbial hungry wolves on a sheep.

At times, some writers seem to be working out their stress by destroying fictional people and places. The carnage is always greatest at the moment the writer gets better, since they will increase the entropy until their self-therapy finally works. Needless to say, Creator Breakdown and Darker and Edgier almost inevitably leads to higher entropy.

This is the reason for the following tropes:

The Trope Name is a reference to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that everything in nature increasingly trends towards disorder (or entropy, to be more accurate.) A similar naming convention was used for the First Law of Metafictional Thermodynamics.

This article deals with the reasons that have led to an increasing abandonment of the concept of ‘ideology’ and with the basis of its possible reemergence. The abandonment of the concept is explained on the one hand by its increasing inflation accompanying the crisis of a holistic and naturalistic conception of the social, and on the other hand by the erosion of those metalinguistic positions which provided a neutral viewpoint from which to expose the various forms of a distorted consciousness. Consequently, the ‘ideological’ invaded the totality of the social field and lost all analytic value. It is argued that the notion of ‘distortion’ cannot be abandoned, as far as a post
 ‘critique of ideology’ approach asserts that the illusion of closure is the main source of a distorted consciousness. The conditions of possibility of a constitutive distortion are then explored in connection with the logic of equivalence in the production of social meaning. The results of this analysis are illustrated through three examples: the distinction between ‘thick’ and ‘thin’ morality in Michael Walzer, the construction of a ‘beyond all differences’ in mystical discourse, and the structure of myth in Georges Sorel. Some general conclusions follow on the working of the ideological and the (impossible) conditions of its extinction.

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• Are you presently represented by counsel? Yes No  If so, provide name, address and telephone number:

WHEREFORE, petitioner prays that the Court grant petitioner relief to which he may be entitled in this proceeding,

Signature of Attorney (if any)

I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on

Date Signature of Petitioner



• A magistrate judge is available under 28 U.S.C. § 636 ( c) to conduct all proceedings in this case, including dispositive matters, and entry of final judgment. However, a magistrate judge may be assigned to rule on dispositive matters only if all parties voluntarily consent.
• Parties are free to withhold consent to magistrate judge jurisdiction without adverse substantive consequences.
• If both parties consent to have a magistrate judge decide the case, any appeal would be made directly to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, as if a district judge had decided the matter.
• Unless both parties consent to have a magistrate judge decide the case, the assigned magistrate judge will continue to decide only non-dispositive matters, and will issue a Report and Recommendation to the district judge as to all dispositive matters.

Please check the “yes” or “no” box regarding your decision to consent to a United States Magistrate Judge, and sign below.

Yes, I voluntarily consent to have a United States Magistrate Judge conduct all further proceedings in this case, decide all dispositive and non-dispositive matters, and order the entry of final judgment.
No, I do not consent to have a United States Magistrate Judge conduct all further proceedings in this case.

Executed on

Date Signature of Petitioner/Counsel for Petitioner




I, , declare that I am the petitioner in the above entitled case; that in support of my motion to proceed without being required to prepay fees, costs or give security therefor, I state that because of my poverty I am unable to pay the costs of said proceeding or to give security therefor; that I believe I am entitled to relief.

• Are you presently employed? Yes No

• If the answer is yes, state the amount of your salary or wages per month, and give the name and address of your employer.

• If the answer is no, state the date of last employment and the amount of the salary and wages per month which you received.

• Have you received, within the past twelve months, any money from any of the following sources?
a. Business, profession or form of self-employment? Yes No
b. Rent payments, interest or dividends? Yes No
c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? Yes No
d. Gifts or inheritances? Yes No
e. Any other sources? Yes No

If the answer to any of the above is yes, describe each source of money and state the amount received from each during the past twelve months:

• Do you own any cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account?  (Include any funds in prison accounts)
Yes No
If the answer is yes, state the total value of the items owned:

• Do you own any real estate, stocks, bonds, notes, automobiles, or other valuable property?  (Excluding ordinary household  furnishings  and  clothing) Yes No
If the answer is yes, describe the property and state its approximate value:

• List the persons who are dependent upon you for support, state your relationship to those persons, and indicate how much you contribute toward their support:

I, declare (or certify, verify or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on
Date Signature of Petitioner

I hereby certify that the Petitioner herein has the sum of $ on account to his credit at the institution where he is confined. I further certify that Petitioner likewise has the following securities to his credit according to the records of said institution:

Date Authorized Officer of Institution/Title of Officer


Note: It is your responsibility to notify the Clerk of Court in writing of any change of address. If represented by an attorney, provide his name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and e-mail address.

FULL NAME (Include name under which you were convicted )



To be supplied by the Clerk of the United States District Court



28 U.S.C. § 2254

(List by case number )

• To use this form, you must be a person who either is currently serving a sentence under a judgment against you in a California
state court, or will be serving a sentence in the future under a judgment against you in a California state court. You are asking for relief from the conviction and/or the sentence. This form is your petition for relief.
• In this petition, you may challenge the judgment entered by only one California state court. If you want to challenge the judgment
entered by a different California state court, you must file a separate petition.
• Make sure the form is typed or neatly handwritten. You must tell the truth and sign the form. If you make a false statement of
a material fact, you may be prosecuted for perjury.
• Answer all the questions. You do not need to cite case law, but you do need to state the federal legal theory and operative facts in support of each ground. You may submit additional pages if necessary. If you do not fill out the form properly, you will be asked to submit additional or correct information. If you want to submit a legal brief or arguments, you may attach a separate memorandum.
• You must include in this petition all the grounds for relief from the conviction and/or sentence that you challenge. And you
must state the facts that support each ground. If you fail to set forth all the grounds in this petition, you may be barred from presenting additional grounds at a later date.
• You must pay a fee of $5.00. If the fee is paid, your petition will be filed.  If you cannot afford the fee, you may ask to proceed
in forma pauperis (as a poor person). To do that, you must fill out and sign the declaration of the last two pages of the form. Also, you must have an authorized officer at the penal institution complete the certificate as to the amount of money and securities on deposit to your credit in any account at the institution. If your prison account exceeds $25.00, you must pay the filing fee.
• When you have completed the form, send the original and two copies to the following address: Clerk of the United States District Court for the Central District of California United States Courthouse
ATTN: Intake/Docket Section
312 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, California 90012
PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: (Check appropriate number)
This petition concerns:
• a conviction and/or sentence.
• prison discipline.
• a parole problem.
• other.
• Venue
• Place of detention
• Place of conviction and sentence

• Conviction on which the petition is based (a separate petition must be filed for each conviction being attacked).
• Nature of offenses involved (include all counts) :

• Penal or other code section or sections:

• Case number:
• Date of conviction:
• Date of sentence:
• Length of sentence on each count:

• Plea (check one) :
Not guilty Guilty
Nolo contendere
• Kind of trial (check one) : Jury
Judge only

• Did you appeal to the California Court of Appeal from the judgment of conviction? Yes No If so, give the following information for your appeal (and attach a copy of the Court of Appeal decision if available):
• Case number:
• Grounds raised (list each) :

• Date of decision:
• Result

• If you did appeal, did you also file a Petition for Review with the California Supreme Court of the Court of Appeal decision? Yes No
If so give the following information (and attach copies of the Petition for Review and the Supreme Court ruling if available) :
• Case number:
• Grounds raised (list each) :

• Date of decision:
• Result

• If you did not appeal:
• State your reasons

• Did you seek permission to file a late appeal? Yes No

• Have you previously filed any habeas petitions in any state court with respect to this judgment of conviction?
G Yes G No
If so, give the following information for each such petition (use additional pages if necessary, and attach copies of the petitions and the rulings on the petitions if available):
• (1) Name of court:
• Case number:
• Date filed (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing):
• Grounds raised (list each) :

• Date of decision:
• Result

• Was an evidentiary hearing held? Yes No

• (1) Name of court:
• Case number:
• Date filed (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing) :
• Grounds raised (list each):

• Date of decision:
• Result

• Was an evidentiary hearing held? Yes No

• (1) Name of court:
• Case number:
• Date filed (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing):
• Grounds raised (list each) :

• Date of decision:
• Result

• Was an evidentiary hearing held? Yes No

• Did you file a petition for certiorari in the United States Supreme Court? Yes No  If yes, answer the following:
• Docket or case number (if you know):
• Result:

• Date of result (if you know):
• Citation to the case (if you know):

• For this petition, state every ground on which you claim that you are being held in violation of the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States. Attach additional pages if you have more than five grounds. Summarize briefly the facts supporting each ground. For example, if you are claiming ineffective assistance of counsel, you must state facts specifically setting forth what your attorney did or failed to do.
CAUTION: Exhaustion Requirement: In order to proceed in federal court, you must ordinarily first exhaust your state court remedies with respect to each ground on which you are requesting relief from the federal court. This means that, prior to seeking relief from the federal court, you first must present all of your grounds to the California Supreme Court.
• Ground one:

• Supporting FACTS:

(2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal?
(3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? Yes No
(4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? Yes No

• Ground two:

• Supporting FACTS:

 (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? Yes No
 (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? Yes No

c. (4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? Ground three: Yes No
 (1) Supporting FACTS:

 (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? Yes No
 (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? Yes No

d. (4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court?

Ground four: Yes No
 (1) Supporting FACTS:

 (2) Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? Yes No
 (3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? Yes No

e. (4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court?

Ground five: Yes No
 (1) Supporting FACTS:

• Did you raise this claim on direct appeal to the California Court of Appeal? Yes No

(3) Did you raise this claim in a Petition for Review to the California Supreme Court? Yes No
(4) Did you raise this claim in a habeas petition to the California Supreme Court? Yes No

• If any of the grounds listed in paragraph 7 were not previously presented to the California Supreme Court, state briefly which grounds were not presented, and give your reasons:

• Have you previously filed any habeas petitions in any federal court with respect to this judgment of conviction?
Yes No
If so, give the following information for each such petition (use additional pages if necessary, and attach copies of the petitions and the rulings on the petitions if available):
• (1) Name of court:
• Case number:
• Date filed (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing):
• Grounds raised (list each): (a)
• Date of decision:
• Result

• Was an evidentiary hearing held? Yes No

• (1) Name of court:
• Case number:
• Date filed (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing):
• Grounds raised (list each): (a)
• Date of decision:
• Result

• Was an evidentiary hearing held? Yes No

• Do you have any petitions now pending (i.e., filed but not yet decided) in any state or federal court with respect to this judgment of conviction? Yes No
If so, give the following information (and attach a copy of the petition if available):
• Name of court:
• Case number:
• Date filed (or if mailed, the date the petition was turned over to the prison authorities for mailing):
• Grounds raised (list each):

• Are you presently represented by counsel? Yes No  If so, provide name, address and telephone number:

WHEREFORE, petitioner prays that the Court grant petitioner relief to which he may be entitled in this proceeding,

Signature of Attorney (if any)

I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on

Date Signature of Petitioner



• A magistrate judge is available under 28 U.S.C. § 636 ( c) to conduct all proceedings in this case, including dispositive matters, and entry of final judgment. However, a magistrate judge may be assigned to rule on dispositive matters only if all parties voluntarily consent.
• Parties are free to withhold consent to magistrate judge jurisdiction without adverse substantive consequences.
• If both parties consent to have a magistrate judge decide the case, any appeal would be made directly to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, as if a district judge had decided the matter.
• Unless both parties consent to have a magistrate judge decide the case, the assigned magistrate judge will continue to decide only non-dispositive matters, and will issue a Report and Recommendation to the district judge as to all dispositive matters.

Please check the “yes” or “no” box regarding your decision to consent to a United States Magistrate Judge, and sign below.

Yes, I voluntarily consent to have a United States Magistrate Judge conduct all further proceedings in this case, decide all dispositive and non-dispositive matters, and order the entry of final judgment.
No, I do not consent to have a United States Magistrate Judge conduct all further proceedings in this case.

Executed on

Date Signature of Petitioner/Counsel for Petitioner




I, , declare that I am the petitioner in the above entitled case; that in support of my motion to proceed without being required to prepay fees, costs or give security therefor, I state that because of my poverty I am unable to pay the costs of said proceeding or to give security therefor; that I believe I am entitled to relief.

• Are you presently employed? Yes No

• If the answer is yes, state the amount of your salary or wages per month, and give the name and address of your employer.

• If the answer is no, state the date of last employment and the amount of the salary and wages per month which you received.

• Have you received, within the past twelve months, any money from any of the following sources?
a. Business, profession or form of self-employment? Yes No
b. Rent payments, interest or dividends? Yes No
c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? Yes No
d. Gifts or inheritances? Yes No
e. Any other sources? Yes No

If the answer to any of the above is yes, describe each source of money and state the amount received from each during the past twelve months:

• Do you own any cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account?  (Include any funds in prison accounts)
Yes No
If the answer is yes, state the total value of the items owned:

• Do you own any real estate, stocks, bonds, notes, automobiles, or other valuable property?  (Excluding ordinary household  furnishings  and  clothing) Yes No
If the answer is yes, describe the property and state its approximate value:

• List the persons who are dependent upon you for support, state your relationship to those persons, and indicate how much you contribute toward their support:

I, declare (or certify, verify or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on
Date Signature of Petitioner

I hereby certify that the Petitioner herein has the sum of $ on account to his credit at the institution where he is confined. I further certify that Petitioner likewise has the following securities to his credit according to the records of said institution:

Date Authorized Officer of Institution/Title of Officer




Petitioner, v.



• A magistrate judge is available under 28 U.S.C. § 636 ( c) to conduct all proceedings in this case, including dispositive matters, and entry of final judgment. However, a magistrate judge can be assigned to rule on dispositive matters only if all parties voluntarily consent.
• You are free to withhold consent to magistrate judge jurisdiction.
• If both parties consent to have a magistrate judge decide the case, either party may appeal directly to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, as if a district judge had decided the matter.
• If both parties do not consent to have a magistrate judge decide the case, the assigned magistrate judge will continue to decide all non-dispositive matters, and will issue a Report and Recommendation to the district judge as to all dispositive matters.
I voluntarily consent to have a United States Magistrate Judge conduct all further proceedings in this case, decide all dispositive and non-dispositive matters, and order the entry of final judgment.
Name of Counsel OR Party if Pro Per Signature and date Counsel for (Name Party)

All parties having consented to proceed before the assigned magistrate judge, please specify the case number as
  on all documents subsequently filed in this case.




Petitioner, v.



• A magistrate judge is available under 28 U.S.C. § 636 ( c) to conduct all proceedings in this case, including dispositive matters, and entry of final judgment. However, a magistrate judge can be assigned to rule on dispositive matters only if all parties voluntarily consent.
• You are free to withhold consent to magistrate judge jurisdiction.
• If both parties consent to have a magistrate judge decide the case, either party may appeal directly to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, as if a district judge had decided the matter.
• If both parties do not consent to have a magistrate judge decide the case, the assigned magistrate judge will continue to decide all non-dispositive matters, and will issue a Report and Recommendation to the district judge as to all dispositive matters.
I voluntarily consent to have a United States Magistrate Judge conduct all further proceedings in this case, decide all dispositive and non-dispositive matters, and order the entry of final judgment.
Name of Counsel OR Party if Pro Per Signature and date Counsel for (Name Party)

All parties having consented to proceed before the assigned magistrate judge, please specify the case number as


Twine: Be a better creative

Twine: Be a better creative
Twine: Be a better creative
Twine: Be a better creative


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